Several hospitals are blazing trails with Twitter’s live-streaming platform. Let’s look at how three providers are delivering health and wellness to patients via real-time video. Source: […]
As part of a new partnership with the National Basketball Association, Under Armour will help the sporting organization develop a new consumer app, called NBA Fit.The […]
Historically, patients with epilepsy have kept track of seizures by handwritten logs. But new, wearable technology not only helps monitor symptoms automatically, it may be able […]
La secrétaire d’Etat chargée de la réforme de l’Etat et de la simplification, Clotilde Valter, a déposé à l’Assemblée nationale un projet de loi relatif à […]
Score another one for advocates of team-based care and for the power of social media. In an article published in the open-access Journal of Medical Internet Research, a […]