How to give your content marketing strategy a makeover
59% des internautes français accèdent au Web depuis un terminal mobile
How to give your content marketing strategy a makeover
59% des internautes français accèdent au Web depuis un terminal mobile

How To Train Your Employees To Handle Social Media

An important step for a brand that has a social media strategy, and wants to avoid crises, is to ensure that employees understand how to use those tools.

This Infographic by Mindflash demonstrates that 76% of companies do not have a clearly defined social media policy.

Social media consultants can be an expensive addition to your business. But in this day and age, no company can operate without a sound social plan.

Your best social media team might actually be your current workforce. But how can you find your company’s natural social media rock stars and get your entire team on board with your goals?

The Infographic breaks down how your team members will likely react to the need for social media training. For example, some of your employees may already have popular social media channels in their personal lives, while others may be opposed to your business’ push online.

Keep in mind that your team probably represents a wide range of social media experience. This will help you know how to identify the different groups and understand how to best get them ready to implement your strategy.

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