Mise en place d’une collaboration entre l’étude NutriNet-Santé et Withings
Un capteur intelligent dédié au sommeil avec Misfit Beddit
Mise en place d’une collaboration entre l’étude NutriNet-Santé et Withings
Un capteur intelligent dédié au sommeil avec Misfit Beddit

FDA Looks to Urge Companies to Tweet Drug Risks #pharma #hcsmeu #FF @evepie

The FDA is looking into a new way to regulate drugs and medical devices—by using social media. The agency has drafted social media guidelines that would urge drug companies to use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to educate the public about the risks of their prescription drug or medical device.

The draft guidelines, which are currently under review by the agency, propose that companies be required to use the “character space constraints” on social media platforms such as Twitter to tweet the risks, along with the benefits, of a product. The guidelines also recommend that manufacturers include a link that takes readers to more information about the product. In the case of Twitter, that information should all be included in a single tweet.

    If a firm concludes that adequate benefit and risk information, as well as other required information, cannot all be communicated within the same character-space-limited communication, then the firm should reconsider using that platform for the intended promotional message.

If approved, the guidelines will become the first formal recommendation by the agency regarding manufacturers’ use of social media.

Source: www.boston.com