
How Doctors Can Make Use of Social Media?

By using the right strategy doctors can gain a lot by making a proper use of social media to market themselves, share their rich experience and knowledge and carry out discussions with the colleagues in the industry.Many of the doctors are afraid of the unknown and thus decide to remain silent ov...

Jeunes pousses e-santé : quand Paris incube

Paris Incubateur, c'est le "révélateur des start-ups parisiennes", un réseau d'une vingtaine d'incubateurs thématiques qui accompagnent les premiers pas des jeunes pousses innovantes, d'abord en le...

Pharmacien, manger ou être mangé

Le rachat d'OCP, premier grossiste-répartiteur de médicaments en France, par le groupe américain Mac Kesson, justifie de tirer la sonnette (...)

Study Shows Patients Searching for Health info While in Waiting Room

In another sign of the changing times, a new CDMiConnect report says that patients are using their mobile devices in waiting rooms and, to a lesser extent, exam rooms, more and more to search the Internet for information about the particular health problem that brought them to the waiting room in...