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15/06/2013What are the top 5 ways physicians use tablets and smartphones in their medical practice?
A survey of 1400 doctors reveals the top five ways they are using tablets and smartphones in their clinical practices.
In a clinical work setting, doctors who have electronic health records said they use their smartphones in clinical settings every day to:
Send and receive emails (65 percent);
Use apps (51 percent);
Instant messaging (50 percent);
Researching information about medications (35 percent);
Communicating with other physicians (32 percent).
But switch “smartphones” to “tablets” and you get this response:
Send and receive e-mails (52.4 percent);
Accessing electronic health records (50.6 percent);
Accessing diagnostic information (41.7 percent);
Research information about medication (33.3 percent);
Staying up to date with medical journals and papers (29.8 percent).
Among the other findings were
A little more than 60 percent access electronic medical records through their device’s browser rather than thru the vendor’s app.
One-third of EHR users and one-quarter of non-EHR users use a tablet device in their medical practice.
More than 70 percent of tablet users who access EHR through them have a password.
About 32 percent have a device tracker app installed on their tablet and the ability to remotely wipe all data on their tablet if lost or stolen (31 percent).
EHR users spend 25 hours on their tablet each week, with a greater amount of time spent on business (59%) than for personal reasons (41 percent).
See on medcitynews.com