La Fédération des Médecins de France (FMF) répond à « Terra nova » – Le Club de Mediapart
The best iPad healthcare and medical apps
La Fédération des Médecins de France (FMF) répond à « Terra nova » – Le Club de Mediapart
The best iPad healthcare and medical apps

Vinod Khosla: Technology Will Replace 80% of Doctors

Not surprising, the most fascinating person, was the keynote speaker, Vinod Khosla, co-founder of Sun Microsystems as well as a partner in a couple venture capital firms.

“Health care is like witchcraft and just based on tradition.”

Entrepreneurs need to develop technology that would stop doctors from practicing like “voodoo doctors” and be more like scientists.

Health care must be more data driven and about wellness, not sick care. Eighty percent of doctors could be replaced by machines. Khosla believed that patients would be better off getting diagnosed by a machine than by doctors. Creating such a system was a simple problem to solve.

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