A Decade of Research on the Use of Three-Dimensional Virtual Worlds in Health Care: A Systematic Literature Review #sim4health
14/04/2014The corporate reputation of pharma companies varied significantly in 2013 when assessed by patient groups of different specialties —even between the therapeutic divisions of a single company
15/04/2014The Expanding Web of Clinical Trial Patient Recruitment
It is a poorly kept secret in the world of clinical trials that issues with patient recruitment and enrollment are the primary causes for missing clinical trial timelines. Most of us have seen the data. We know that for each day a company goes beyond the planned deadline for a clinical trial, that company could be losing as much as $600,000 in foregone sales of smaller products and as much as $8 million on blockbuster drugs. As necessity is the mother of invention, it comes as no surprise that sponsors and CROs are looking to any and all means by which to increase the rate of patient enrollment.
See on www.isrreports.com