« The question of pharma’s social ROI has gone the way of the question of the shape of the planet »
By the numbers: digital health in the U.S.
« The question of pharma’s social ROI has gone the way of the question of the shape of the planet »
By the numbers: digital health in the U.S.

Study calls for doctors to consider editing Wikipedia

From the conclusion:


« In the Internet era, our role as doctors in guiding patients towards high-quality health information has expanded into the digital setting. It is difficult to make recommendations on an optimal approach to this complex and evolving environment. However, from this review, the potential inaccuracy of information on the Internet suggests some key areas in which doctors can contribute.


In the clinical setting, more time spent in discussion with patients on aspects of diagnosis and treatment may be a beneficial, individualised alternative to Internet information. For computer literate patients, guidance towards high quality, accurate web resources is a reasonable approach which may help patients to navigate the myriad of information available to them while promoting autonomy.


Becoming actively involved in editing and updating resources such as Wikipedia may also be an effective way to disseminate our knowledge to patients. »

See on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov