Qualcomm Sees Future in Wireless Health Gadgets | MIT Technology Review
Pfizer calls for mHealth to be prioritised – PMLiVE
Qualcomm Sees Future in Wireless Health Gadgets | MIT Technology Review
Pfizer calls for mHealth to be prioritised – PMLiVE

Pharma Marketing Blog: PatientsLikeMe Reports High Rate of Adverse Event Reporting Among Its Members

PLM found that 7% of 500 randomly selected posts from the 364,000 posts contributed by patients within the PatientsLikeMe Forum during 2009 incorporated all four elements required for reporting an adverse event (an identifiable patient, a specific medication, an identifiable reporter and a reaction). This is 35 times the rate in the frequently cited Nielson study, which found only one such message in its random sample of 500 posts.

See on pharmamkting.blogspot.com.au