Agence de la santé publique du Canada – Maladies chroniques – Cancer – Statistiques canadiennes sur le cancer 2012
17/08/2012Where Does a Doctor Meet a Patient’s Real Needs?
18/08/2012Pharma cannot afford to ignore social media | World of DTC
A really good article on Pharmaphorumabout the perils of social media marketing with a great summary “The moral of the story for pharmaceutical companies is loud and clear: ignore social media at your peril.”. The story is about KV pharma’s pricing of a new drug and the backlash on facebook from angry Moms who are very active on social media.OK, I get it. A lot of pharma companies are not willing to take risks when it comes to establishing a social media presence but what happens when your brand is hijacked with an anti-brand/company facebook page ? Can pharma companies afford to do nothing ? The answer to that is “hell no”.
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