Dr. Google is more research scientist than practicing doc now | mobihealthnews
Données personnelles : Le Paradoxe Français | Seratoo – Marketing 3.0
Dr. Google is more research scientist than practicing doc now | mobihealthnews
Données personnelles : Le Paradoxe Français | Seratoo – Marketing 3.0

People-powered health/care – celebrating Patient Independence & Empowerment

In the growing shared economy, one centerpiece is people-powered health – co-creating, shared decision-making, and a greater appreciation for the impact of social on health. As we approach the mid-point of 2015, there are several signposts pointing to people-powered health/care.

FasterCures launched the Science of Patient Input Project, with the objective of getting the patient’s voice into clinical discovery and decision-making. This video describes the intent of the program and its potential for people-powered health and user/patient-centered drug design, beyond the pure clinical efficacy of therapies.

Source: healthpopuli.com