The year for mobile-enabled clinical trials: 2013 or 2030? | mobihealthnews
Professeur Odile KREMP (Orphanet) : « L’émergence des systèmes d’information en santé va continuer à faire évoluer positivement le suivi et la prise en charge des patients » |, le port…
The year for mobile-enabled clinical trials: 2013 or 2030? | mobihealthnews
Professeur Odile KREMP (Orphanet) : « L’émergence des systèmes d’information en santé va continuer à faire évoluer positivement le suivi et la prise en charge des patients » |, le port…

New ‘iDry’ App Helps Patients Overcome Urinary Incontinence

There is a movement that has a website at the eponymous Its aim is to track, record, quantify, graph, tabulate, etc. any and all activities performed by the “self” (a la- everything). How many steps did the day cost you? How many calories did you consume? How many seconds did you sleep? How would you create a chart that represents your mood in relation to the time? What is the relationship of a hobby (H) to a psychological disorder (D)? I jest.

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