Docs show little interest in mobile data tools, wearable devices
La #fin des vignettes sur les boîtes de #médicaments !
Docs show little interest in mobile data tools, wearable devices
La #fin des vignettes sur les boîtes de #médicaments !

More than a toy: Oculus Rift VR headset becomes a tool for real-life surgery demos #sim4health cc @jeromeleleu

RÉMI ROUSSEAU SOURCE August 30, 2014 Over the weekend, I attended a virtual reality meetup near my home city of Cincinnati. The event had plenty of Oculus Rift units on hand, but it also had a couple other VR headsets priced at more than $10,000. To my surprise, Oculus blew them out of the water. This $350 device wasn’t just cheaper; it was significantly more responsive. This disparity was fresh in my mind while reading about a new project to teach medical students about surgery through the Oculus Rift. By strapping on a VR headset, students who want to learn about hip replacement surgery can get a first-person view of the procedure from the surgeon’s perspective. If you have an Oculus Rift developer kit, you can experience the surgery for yourself. The project was put together by Rémi Rousseau for the Moveo Foundation, a group that aims to improve surgery through technology. Dr. Thomas Gregory, a surgeon at European Hospital Georges Pompidou and a professor at Paris
