Digitizing the doctor’s office: 7 ways technology will shape healthcare in 2013
14/01/2013Improving outcomes with connected healthcare
14/01/2013Measuring the ROI of Digital Health Technologies | The Digital Health Corner
Alere’s purchase of Medapps prompts me to discuss a question posed to me daily, “What is the ROI of digital health technologies?” Discussants in the Digital Health Linkedin Group were surprised at the purchase price of ‘no greater than $22M’ for Medapps. The real issue of these technologies in my mind is not as much what the potential market is as what the ROI is. I am not going to apply economic theory or formulas in this post, as I have no formal training in economics. However, I will make this a qualitative discussion because it is a fundamental which is relevant to the adoption of such technologies, as well as furnishing some examples.
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