All the Vital Signs Are Good for Mobile Health Sector #hcsm
06/10/2012Clinicians Remain Reluctant to Allow Negative Findings to Influence Practice
07/10/2012Massachusetts Medical Society | Teaching Empathy Can Improve Patient Satisfaction
The research team in the Empathy and Relational Science Program at Massachusetts General conducted a study of the effectiveness of the three, 60-minute empathy training modules in resident physicians. Our study showed statistically significant improvement in patient perception and ratings of physician empathy with this brief intervention. The courses have been translated into self-paced, Web-based training for broad application that is CME and risk management certified by the MMS.
One of the most frequently asked questions is, “Doesn’t showing empathy just add more time to a busy doctor’s day?” The answer is no. Empathic care does not have to take more time.
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