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53% des Français pensent que les outils technologiques peuvent les aider à mieux gérer leur santé
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Is mHealth Data Moving Towards Big Data?

Nathan E. Wineinger, Ph.D., a research scientist at Scripps Genomic Medicine discusses how mhealth data is moving towards big data at a rapid pace.

Mobile health (mHealth) technologies allow for the generation of intensive care unit medical information, literally, in the palm of your hand. A smart phone can be transformed into a mobile heart monitor to diagnose atrial fibrillation, and continuous glucose monitoring has revolutionized the way diabetics manage their blood sugar levels. The digitization of human health through noninvasive devices and sensors can provide meaningful measures of individual wellness outside of a clinical environment.

This information can then be used to guide health decisions — or personalize medicine. However, mHealth data presents a computational challenge as it can be both wide and long (i.e. big data). Furthermore, this challenge can be broken into two components that are both vital to the production of actionable health care: data storage and processing; and its interpretation. It is this latter component that is notoriously omitted in the conversation on big data.

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