HAS – Permettre aux patients d’accéder rapidement aux technologies innovantes grâce au « forfait innovation »
10 Hashtags You Need to Use if You’re in Healthcare
HAS – Permettre aux patients d’accéder rapidement aux technologies innovantes grâce au « forfait innovation »
10 Hashtags You Need to Use if You’re in Healthcare

Is Apple ResearchKit a « Powerful platform, dangerous playground »?

It’s hard to know where to start with this article as it’s peddling so many myths but a key thing to appreciate is that Apple’s ResearchKit endeavours are coming with ratings.

“This past April, Apple launched ResearchKit – a framework used to develop apps that allow patients to participate anonymously in medical research studies. While these apps have the potential to advance medical research, there are concerns about privacy and security. In addition, the accuracy and integrity of the data being provided by participants is being questioned”

I can’t understand why anyone thinks that a key feature of Researchkit is that medical research volunteers will want to be anonymous? I thought the opposite would be true eg. treat me like a statistic but if the efforts I go to help University College Hospital find the cure for cancer, or Oxford University understand depression so that thousands of lives aren’t lost to suicide every year I want my name in the history books thank you very much.

Source: mhealthinsight.com