Wearable Computing Devices will exceed 485 Million Annual Shipments by 2018
17/06/2013Orange Healthcare
17/06/2013Internet-based « e-Training » as Exercise Intervention for Health Promotion
Internet-based interventions open a chance to improve the sustainability of rehabilitation in general and of exercise therapy in particular. The internet can be the sole intervention component on the one hand as well as a supportive tool for a traditional « Face-to-Face » intervention on the other hand. In this article, 2 studies in the setting of health promotion are outlined. Those studies evaluated an e-Training program in different administration forms. Study 1: 90 adults with a sedentary lifestyle were randomized into 3 treatment groups: Group fitness (« Face-to-Face »), individually supervised training (« Face-to-Face ») and e-Training (internet-based). The respective intervention took place across 3 months and each continued for a maintenance phase of 4 months.
See on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov