Can patient empowerment help address physician shortage?
Lawmakers: ALS patients hurt by new Medicare policies
Can patient empowerment help address physician shortage?
Lawmakers: ALS patients hurt by new Medicare policies

Instagram for doctors: How one app is solving medical mysteries

 SOURCE September 11, 2014 A family-medicine doctor recent saw a 13-year-old with a weird, unidentifiable rash. It wasn’t itchy or painful, and the teenage boy hadn’t traveled anywhere recently. So the the doctor did what any modern physician would do: he took a photo and uploaded it to an Instagram-style app called Figure 1. (Figure 1) « 13 y/o M with rash on his knee for 2 months, » the doctor with the username inder70 wrote. « it is not itchy, no pain, no travel, no new food no inciting agent, no medications? » The suggestions came piling in. One doctor asked if it was fungal (« no itchiness or raised border, » inder70 responded). Most of them quickly landed on the same diagnosis: granuloma annulare, a skin condition that has no known cause and can be treated with certain ointments. « Thanks everyone!! » inder70 responded, the medical mystery solved. Hospital hallway conversations, gone digital Figure 1 is the brainchild of Josh Landy, an internist from Toronto. He did his residency at
