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2014/03/06 > BE Allemagne 649 > Le Big Data, source d’innovation dans la santé ?
Wello One-Ups The Galaxy S5 With A Slim, Sensor-Laden Health Tracking iPhone Case | TechCrunch
2014/03/06 > BE Allemagne 649 > Le Big Data, source d’innovation dans la santé ?

Healthcare Social Media is still growing exponentially – Just look at #HIMSS14

Have we reached peak growth of healthcare social media? The numbers we are seeing doesn’t seem to indicate so. More and more stakeholders in healthcare wether they are patients, providers or other third parties are still flocking to the social web in greater and greater numbers.

Just look at what the healthcare conference #HIMSS14 accomplished this week. The graph below shows the top 15 healthcare conferences by single day tweet volume.

We’ve never quite seen anything like the tweet volume we witnessed from #HIMSS14 this Monday. 21,393 tweets in a single day is indeed a new record for all healthcare conferences. But what is interesting about this graph is the rate of growth year over year. Let’s take a closer look at that in the graph below.

We’re still comparing the top single day during the conferences. The takeaway here is that the growth of healthcare social media, and in particularly Twitter, within this and many other healthcare conferences is not only at double digits – it’s growing at an exponential rate.

See on www.symplur.com