Atelier Isidore Santé – 04.07.2013 : m-santé et bonnes pratiques, où en est-on en France ?
Digital health investment growing, but experienced angels are MIA
Atelier Isidore Santé – 04.07.2013 : m-santé et bonnes pratiques, où en est-on en France ?
Digital health investment growing, but experienced angels are MIA

Health in all policies | BMJ

Health in all policies” has become the catchphrase for taking account of health and equity in the policies of other sectors. Launched last month on the occasion of the eighth International Conference on Health Promotion in Helsinki, a new book intends to provide “practical workable solutions in a range of settings for a range of problems.”1 It aims at a broad audience of policy makers and implementers worldwide, with examples spanning the globe from highly developed welfare states (Finland), to both middle income (Thailand) and low income countries. A welcome feature is the attention given to the global action needed to tackle common problems that span borders—for example, in relation to trade policies. A chapter is included on how development assistance can become more effective through health in all policies.

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