« Les laboratoires ne jouent pas le jeu des génériques » – leJDD.fr
L’Institut Curie lance une web radio destinée aux femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein : posez vos questions dès maintenant
« Les laboratoires ne jouent pas le jeu des génériques » – leJDD.fr
L’Institut Curie lance une web radio destinée aux femmes atteintes d’un cancer du sein : posez vos questions dès maintenant

GE BodyMaps for iPad

medgadget writes:


GE and Healthline Networks have just launched the BodyMaps anatomy app for iPad, a feature rich browser that also has 200 videos of various procedures. The app seems to be designed for helping clinicians explain a diagnosis and possible treatment options, but should be useful for anyone looking up anatomical facts.


GE in its press release sees a couple benefits that we didn’t think of: “There is no need to worry about Papal wrath or corpse supply in the digital era. Anybody, from medical students and professionals to enthusiasts and artists, can view the inside of the human body in sharp detail…”


[AS: ‘Papal wrath or corpse supply’? That must have been some festive Friday afternoon copy from the agency… :D]

See on medgadget.com