Mobile Apps: what consumers really want
24/03/2013Infographie : assurances et mutuelles sur Internet en 2013
24/03/2013Five mobile health projects on Indiegogo
Crowdfunding platforms can be the last refuge of a desperate entrepreneur or the go-to market strategy for an appealing consumer product. When a product does well, it does really well, smashing records and even outstripping its own ability to deliver on the goods. When it does badly, well, it often fades away, or at least the company realizes that D2C might not be their best channel.
It’s no surprise that this high-risk high-reward platform is attractive to mobile health innovators, and with Kickstarter strictly barring health-related products, most seem to end up on Indiegogo — besides the Misfit Shine activity tracker, we’ve written about Lumoback, Sqord, the uBox, and a host of other crowdfunded projects on that platform. Here’s five new mobile health products on Indiegogo right now, from the nearly funded to the barely off the ground:
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