Social Media 2013 User Demographics – infographic /@BerriePelser
Social Media Landscape / La matrice des médias sociaux version 2013
Social Media 2013 User Demographics – infographic /@BerriePelser
Social Media Landscape / La matrice des médias sociaux version 2013

E-Health Insider: New NHS feedback service on show

A prototype feedback service that will become part of the integrated customer service platform being developed by the NHS Commissioning Board was on show at the NHS innovation Expo 2013.


Jane Barnacle, director for patients and information at NHS London, said the alpha launch of the platform was planned for May.


It would involve a feedback service to be piloted with patient groups in London and parts of the North East. This will sit on NHS Choices and the myhealthlondon site.


She said the new feedback model was based on the 311 service in the United States where people could call, text or use social media to report issues with local services.


The prototype of the feedback service shown to EHI at the Innovation Expo featured a number of ‘calls to action.’


Patients could select, ‘problems that need fixing’, ‘leave a review’ and ‘I have got a question about NHS services’…

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