Doctors get on electronic health record systems bandwagon – Business Courier
Rencontres Inter-Régionales du 25 septembre 2012 (présentations en ligne) #hcsmeufr
Doctors get on electronic health record systems bandwagon – Business Courier
Rencontres Inter-Régionales du 25 septembre 2012 (présentations en ligne) #hcsmeufr

Dorothy Wetzel Interview from eDTC Revolutions: Providing Value with Healthcare Social Media

Dorothy shares her experience in patient engagement and healthcare social media, stressing the importance of active participation across all segments, including pharma. She reminds us that good content and providing value to the end user should remain our top priorities, and how these communication resources are already available and proven for treatment providers. She also stresses the importance of strategic thinking, and keeping the needs of the patient at heart.


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