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12/12/2013DigiSights 2013 explores Digital & Social Media in Pharma Marketing – Express Pharma
DigiSights 2013, positioned as India’s first pharmaceutical and healthcare digital marketing conference was recently held in Mumbai. Organised by MediaMedic Communications in association with its GLOBALHealthPR partners, STweM and Webicina, the conference attracted participation from the pharma marketers and digital teams. Express Pharma was the exclusive media partner for the conference.
In the keynote speech, Narayan Gad, Director, PharmaTechManagement, NMIMS shared how the pharma ecosystem evolved from the traditional telephone to smartphone. He divided the evolution into pharma 1.0 (1960-80), 2.0 (1980-2000) and 3.0 (2000 ahead). “Digital tools have crept into the ecosystem and doctors are now being controlled more by apps and technology,” he said. He stressed upon social being the way forward and shared that “Pharma companies should not just focus on sales but on engagement.”
The healthcare practitioners practitioners (HCP)- industry panel had an experienced set of panelists. The session moderated by Amlesh Ranjan, Associate Director, Sanofi started by asking Dr Aniruddha Malpani, Medical Director @HELP on what change he observes in the industry. Malpani stressed that doctors should educate patients and the problem is trust deficit. “Patients don’t trust doctors and having a website will be the best thing but doctors don’t have time; this is where the pharma industry comes into picture”.
After the panel discussion, Dinesh Chindarkar, Co-founder and Director, MediaMedic, started with examples on how digital and social is changing the country. Emphasising that consumers are moving towards managing their own health, he said that the movement of ‘Quantified-self’ has began. He further added that there is a shift in healthcare from doctor driven era to patient driven one; and hence the need to connect with consumers.
Andrew Spong shared his thoughts on the ‘Future of Digital Pharma Marketing’ about how about the consumers’ hunger for health information can be satisfied with digital channels’ untapped capability. He said, “The world is shifting from dictated medicine to participative medicine, in other words, informed content to informed choice.” According to him the future of digital pharma marketing will be in building trust, maintaining an approachable outlook, informing and conversing with its customers and helping HCPs serve their patients needs.
Priti Mohile, Managing Director, MediaMedic Communications in her session on Social Media from Insighting to Category Building, focused on the role of integrated solutions covering branding, category building, digital and public relations. She gave insights on what can be learnt from consumer discussions on social media and offered a practical way forward
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