Despite promise, mobile health faces slow road …
Slideshow: Health devices launched at CES 2014 | mobihealthnews
Despite promise, mobile health faces slow road …
Slideshow: Health devices launched at CES 2014 | mobihealthnews

Could your clothing save your life?

Epilepsy affects about 50 million people around the world and is the most common serious brain disorder, according to the World Health Organization.


Diagnosis isn’t easy.

A seizure has to be recorded while a patient is hooked up to an electroencephalography (EEG) machine.

« Epileptic symptoms vary widely and… many different types of epileptic disorders exist that react differently to various medical treatments, » says Dr Vincent Navarro, a neurologist at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital in Paris.

« Moreover, seizures happen at an irregular rate. It is therefore rare to record a seizure while doing a standard EEG recording of 20 minutes to one hour.

« Finally, non-epileptic events are in nearly 20% of cases wrongly considered to be linked with epilepsy when they could be of a completely different origin, for instance loss of consciousness that can be cardiac or psychiatric. »


The hospital is working with a start-up on something it hopes will make diagnosis easier and faster.

Instead of being hooked up to a machine via an array of cabling, patients wear a t-shirt and optional cap at home, and biometric sensors feed information to a smartphone app.
