Ce miroir intelligent vous indique si vous êtes en bonne santé (vidéo) – Express.be
04/08/2015L’homme augmenté : Notre humanité en quête de sens à télécharger #transhumanisme le Cahier de veille 2015 de la Fondation Télécom
04/08/2015Can this watch change your mood?
The latest wearable tech device can calm you down or energise you with the stroke of a fingerBad moods can come out of nowhere and last for hours, ruining perfectly pleasant afternoons with their lingering pessimism. But the latest form of wearable tech claims to have an antidote, with a watch that can apparently transform your mood.The watch, Doppel, uses electric pulses to clam you down or boost your energy, vibrating against your wrist with a gentle electronic beat. One stroke of the dial creates a slow, calming beat, while a quick squeeze of the watch creates a faster, energising pulse. The pulsations are designed to have a similar effect to music, and are imperceptible to anyone other than the watch-wearer.
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk