L’Université d’été de la e-santé prend une dimension européenne
Health spending data reflect more patients seeing their doctors – amednews.com
L’Université d’été de la e-santé prend une dimension européenne
Health spending data reflect more patients seeing their doctors – amednews.com

Can personal health data motivate behavioral change? It depends. | mobihealthnews

One of the critical questions within the connected healthcare movement is whether or not personal health data will actually catalyze and then incentivize lasting behavioral change and better wellness. Will any kind of data serve to motivate behavioral change? Does it matter if we see our data on a smartphone versus a laptop screen? Do all people respond in the same way? Early on, we realized that our ability to transcend our customer base, from highly-engaged, “quantified self” early adopters to the mainstream world of the “frustrated sleepers”, would require far more than just the raw data itself. It turns out that the gift wrapping matters as much as the present inside.

See on mobihealthnews.com