Forget G Goggles or Oculus I want one of these! Blue Collar AR — Augmented Reality Gets to Work
Instagram for doctors: How one app is solving medical mysteries
Forget G Goggles or Oculus I want one of these! Blue Collar AR — Augmented Reality Gets to Work
Instagram for doctors: How one app is solving medical mysteries

Can patient empowerment help address physician shortage?

Even before the ACA became the law of the land, healthcare circles have been discussing ways to deal with the physician shortage, which is expected to accelerate with more patients entering the system. Nurse practitioners and physicians assistants and the like are expected to help fill that gap. But maybe if the healthcare industry took its cues from a number of other industries that have allowed more control by the consumer, or patient, that alleged shortage would be much easier to bridge by empowering and trusting patients to take on some of the more basic elements of healthcare.
