Interview with Liza Bernstein: ePatient, Breast Cancer Survivor, and Social Media Person
Médicaments génériques: le cri d’alarme des médecins
Interview with Liza Bernstein: ePatient, Breast Cancer Survivor, and Social Media Person
Médicaments génériques: le cri d’alarme des médecins

Asthmapolis raises $5 million from Social Capital | mobihealthnews

“This is where there probably is a creative tension between my own opinion and the industry’s,” Van Sickle said, “but I don’t think patient engagement should be a goal. What the goal should be is more asthma-free days… That whole patient engagement thing I’m hoping it’s just a liminal period we go through. I’m not saying people shouldn’t be involved in their disease — but I am saying that people don’t sell washing machines with the promise that you are going to ‘engage’ in the washing cycle. You want to put your clothes in, set it to wash, and be done.”

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