Médicaments en pénurie: «Si le problème est technique, nous sommes démunis»
Sproutling, le bracelet connecté pour bébé
Médicaments en pénurie: «Si le problème est technique, nous sommes démunis»
Sproutling, le bracelet connecté pour bébé

Approval of CardioMEMS implantable monitor raises interesting new possibilities in mobile health

The FDA has approved the CardioMEMS device, an implantable pulmonary artery pressure monitor intended for patients with NYHA Class III heart failure who have been hospitalized in the past year.


The device, implanted via a right heart catheterization, sits in a relatively distal pulmonary artery and is fixed into position by two nitinol wire loops. Perhaps the most notable component of the device is that it does not require a battery to function or communicate with external readers. Pressure data and heart rate are measured and transmitted to the patient’s physician for review.

Source: www.imedicalapps.com