Exclusive: Apple prepares Healthkit rollout amid tangled regulatory web
La DGOS conforte le rôle des hôpitaux locaux
Exclusive: Apple prepares Healthkit rollout amid tangled regulatory web
La DGOS conforte le rôle des hôpitaux locaux

Apple In Talks to Rollout HealthKit to Medical Professionals Across U.S.

Apple is preparing to rollout its Healthkit development tools to health professionals across the U.S., and has been discussions with health providers at Mount Sinai, Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, and Allscripts to use the new system, reports Reuters. 

Apple is said to be pushing Healthkit and its Health app as being an all-in-one solution for medical professionals to store patient data like blood pressure, pulse, and weight. Apple is also hoping that physicians will use the available data to improve diagnostics and treatment decisions. The company is also looking to partner with electronic health records provider Epic Systems to integrate its software and services.

Source: www.macrumors.com