Mobile health apps are everywhere. How well do they work?
Open data, données de santé : la France fait le point sur les risques de ré-identification
Mobile health apps are everywhere. How well do they work?
Open data, données de santé : la France fait le point sur les risques de ré-identification

Apple Designs New App to Allow Use of iPhones to Recruit and Track Patients in Clinical Study as One Strategy to Become a Player in Healthcare Big Data | Dark Daily

By providing tools to allow users to be more productive in working with healthcare big data, several Silicon Valley giants hope to increase their presence in medical services. The latest company to enter the field is Apple Computers (NASDAQ:AAPL). In March it announced the availability of ResearchKit, an open-source software framework that turns the iPhone into a research tool. Pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists have a stake in the healthcare big-data trend, since more than 70% of the typical patient’s permanent medical record consists of medical laboratory test data.


Apple makes further moves into the healthcare market