How to Increase Patient Engagement Through Storytelling
On using visual aids to teach patients and improve decision making
How to Increase Patient Engagement Through Storytelling
On using visual aids to teach patients and improve decision making

Achieving Patient Safety with EMRs

Patient safety in many ways means that physicians have the required information in front of them when needed, so that they can deliver quality care.

This means instantant access to the information that is relevant to services provided in a format that is customized for usability, while ensuring privacy and confidentiality of patient health information.

A recent survey cited poor communication, such as exchanging important clinical information about patients as the largest barrier to achieving patient safety goals. And despite the fact that Electronic Medical Records are an effective tool to improve the exchange of clinical data and, in turn, quality.

According to the mentioned survey, respondents were asked how often important patient care information is lost during shift changes. A major 56% answered always; often 12%. Only 27% said it rarely happens while a mere 5% said it never happens.

EMRs are an effective solution to problems such as communications. Electronic data does not get lost when it’s mixed in with the take-out menu pile and it doesn’t get ruined when someone spills coffee on it.

Electronic Medical Records have the capability to improve communications along with the quality of care. EMR vendors continue to strive towards developing a system which provides comprehensive safeguards for the protection of patient information.

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